In honor of the Antifascist Hero's 80th Birthday which of his songs are your favorites?
It could be solo or with the Beatles:
I am the Walrus
Strawberry Fields
Good Morning, Good Morning--John hated this for some reason. It's one of my faves!
A Day in the Life
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds--Interesting how it means LSD...even though John didn't even realize that even though he was obviously on it. Must've been a subconscious thing.
Tomorrow Never Knows
Glass Onion
A Hard Days Night
I Feel Fine
Working Class Hero
Mind Games
#9 Dream
Whatever Gets you through the Night
Starting Over
Happy Christmas-War is Over
And my least favorite:
Imagine--don't hate me--it's lame, sorry. I mean I agree with its sentiment, but as a song? Mediocre.
Mr. Moonlight--no he didn't write it, but he sung this turkey!
How do you Sleep?-- not because the song is bad, but because the lyrics are an anti-Paul diatribe encouraged by Yoko.
Attica State--again, like the sentiment, but this song sucks, especially with Yoko singing. This song was written on John's 31st birthday.
It's So Hard-- a throwaway song off imagine.
Most of the songs on Mind Games (aside from the title track) were throwaways
Most of songs on Walls and Bridges (aside from those listed above) were throwaways.