17 Notorious, on-the-Record Harvey Weinstein Stories, Starting With That Time He Ate M&M’s Off the Floor
What a psycho. Hillary must have known that, so why did she let him throw the party?
12. A birthday party for Hillary Clinton in October 2000 was prime time for petty feuds: An assistant, supposed to be guarding Harvey’s seat, allowed Jimmy Buffett, Harrison Ford, and E.T. screenwriter Melissa Mathison to sit on the then-Miramax boss’s reserved couch. He was onstage speaking, and the underling let them sit down for a moment. “Furious, but trying to put a good face on it in front of Ford, Mathison, and Buffet, [Weinstein] laughed, and replied, ‘Yeah, it’s your fault, you’re fired!’” He then yelled at the assistant’s managers, who in turn yelled at her some more, calling her stupid. The intern was rehired the next day, reports Down and Dirty Pictures. Later, Weinstein lashed out at the party’s master of ceremonies, Nathan Lane: “He took exception to a silly joke about Mayor Giuliani’s comb-over, and exploded, yelling something like, ‘This is my fucking show, we don’t need you.’ He threw Lane up against a wall.”