
I'm from Malta, and Valletta is a typical Maltese surname (though not so common. It comes from Grandmaster Jean De la Vallette who actually built our capital city, Valletta. I was wondering if anyone knows if her father is Maltese or not?


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I'm maltese too, but Valletta isn't a very common surname. It's simply the capital city, but I don't know alot of people having it as a surname

Will: Ok, so what if I butt out?
Harlin: Hahaha, What if I go gay?


I love Malta! Haha


I think she does a maltese ancestor somwhere along the line. My cousin's surname is Valletta and there are very few families with the surname. i'm not familiar with any other country having it is a surname. The same thing goes with the main singer of the band Texas ( i think her name is Charlene Spiteri), once i remember her stating that she doesn't have any maltese ancestory, and if Spiteri isnt a Maltese surname I dont know what is!


viva malta u l-maltin! ha ha! xi darba iccekjajtu il-post a Angli the Movie.. xmizerja! ha ha


ara, sibt erba maltin fl'ahhar!!!


She's part Sicilian.
