MovieChat Forums > Justin Timberlake Discussion > Justin Timberlake is the best

Justin Timberlake is the best

He is successful in everything


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everything? he's not successful in gay porn.

he's not successful at overdosing on drugs.

he's not successful at being a lesbian.


He's not a very good actor (his last solo movie bombed). And his music is pretty bad.


He is awesome. He may not be your favorite but he's produced a variety of successful work. He is a very impressive individual. He's a triple threat and I would think he is a smart businessman. He's attached to great projects and is always collaborating from his network of amazing talent. He is versatile as an artist with the range of music he's put out and the diverse characters he's portrayed in films. I also think he's funny and has great charisma when he's just being himself, at a talk show, or hosting.


I disagree. Successful? Yes. Artistic? No. He may be very successful and a great businessman, but I don't respect him as an artist. I don't think he has a lot of variety either. He makes some good dance songs, but his attempts at being meaningful and bold are terrible. I can't stand him as an actor either, mainly because I don't believe him as an actor. All I see is an egotistic dbag trying hard to act and trying hard to be serious. I might listen to him on the dancefloor from time to time, but if I really want to listen to genuinely good music and listen to something truly meaningful and artists, JT would be the last person on my list.


He makes pop music so I'm not sure what you expect from him music. He did just come out with a retro soul inspired album that celebrates the old genre. And he did it well. I think that he is all around a great entertainer, a great dancer, pop artist, and actor. Maybe acting is not his best talent, in your opinion, but he's doing it all and rather well.
How can you not respect someone with passion to explore all of their talents?
How is he a dirtbag and who did he hurt?
What is the reason for you to sound so disgusting?
Also, what are some examples of your taste?


His acting is terrible, it's just a fact. IF the roles he has taken were given to real actors they would have been amazing. He just ruins the movies he is in. He is so self conscious and self involved that he wants to do everything. Wanting to be an actor doesn't make you a good one, and he takes roles that talented people could play. It makes no sense.
Also, he sometimes tries to make meaningful deep songs. Mirrors (the song and video) is embarassing and sounds like a horrible boy band trying to be deep and it's just insanely awful. Real artists like Radiohead, Fiona Apple, Amy Winehouse, etc. have something real to say. JT was raised extremely rich and never had to conquer any obstacles. So listening to him try to be real is laughable and disgusting.


It's a matter of taste, I guess. Unlike Fiona Apple and Radiohead, he has been working non stop, and across multiple platforms. He collaborates with different writers and producers to create music. He is a versatile actor, a great entertainer, and if he wasn't, he would not have his fans or be hired to work on all those projects that in result are quite successful.
