Does he have legs?

I've wondered that...or perhaps he's super-short?


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Well... I was with him a few weeks ago and can tell you that legs were present. He definitely isn't little. Hope that answers your question.


It's a joke that maybe 8 other people on earth would get.


Ha, I'm one of those 8 people! I love his comment about the Dean & Deluca "swat team" look. science experiment from a Supervillain!


On one of the DVD commentaries for "Felicity," JJ Abrams and Matt Reeves talk about how hard it was to cast Ben. They said they eventually cast Scott Speedman based only on watching him in video footage someone else shot (in Canada)--where he was always in closeups or sitting down. So, before he arrived to actually meet them in person, Abrams and Reeves joked that maybe he was really, really short or he didn't have legs!

Like I said, it's a joke very, very few people would get.

reply see plenty of his legs in Underworld Evolution!
