This dude

This dude just *beep* rubs me the wrong way. I don't know why, I can't really put a finger on it. Every time I see him in a film I want to donkey punch myself. He isn't all that great an actor but I don't think that is it. Anyone else feel that way about him or am I just a batshart nutjob?


Batshart nutjob


He was on James Corden last night, and James told him that even though he was a beautiful man, he also had a murderous face, and that he suspected he had a dark, dark heart. LOL


James is right!! Have you watched Animal Kingdom yet?? If not, I highly recommend. First episode he has that Ben from Felicity thing going on...sweet and almost innocent. BUT THEN...that dark, dark heart comes out. It's rather unnerving. I think he's brilliant in the show!
