Far too chiseled face

I want to think she is pretty, but her features are too hard and cold. It definitely takes away any warmth about her. Glad they stopped outlining her lips to the Nth degree.

Chiseled(especially intentional ones) features are not attractive, worse when enhanced by make up.


It is an opinion.


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yea but the ASS!! that ASS is unbelievable should be illegal


It's her eyes in "Murder in the first" that get me. I would love to see her cast as an alien.


It's a ridiculous opinion. "Far too chiseled" isn't really possible. She has beautiful bone structure, and her face is very nearly flawless.


Yes, I agree, while she's attractive, I wouldn't go so far as to call her beautiful. There is something "hard" about her features (especially her mouth), and I think that's why she was perfect casting for her character in "Boss."

Hey look--I won an award for just showing up! Yay!!!
