MovieChat Forums > Freddie Prinze Jr. Discussion > Has he ever been in a good movie?

Has he ever been in a good movie?

I mean, I have nothing against him. He seems like a nice fella, who enjoys privacy (and I respect that).
But, I don't think I've ever seen him in a just remotely good movie. "She's all that" was a typical, pathetic attempt from Hollywood, to make some easy dollars. "Scooby-Doo" was a disaster. "Head Over Heels" was - again, pathetic. "Boys and Girls" made me wanna puke. The two "I know what you..."-movies were okay (when looking at the genre teenage-slasher), but not really something I would call good movies by any means.

I think that's why people are calling him such a bad actor. Maybe he is. I don't know. But what I know is, that until now I haven't been able to see him perform on a level, that could give a hint of which level he's at. He always go for the easy/not-really-need-to-perform roles, in *beep* movies. And I think that's sad.

All these voices in my head, and not a single one I understand.


I've never seen him in a good movie, but he hasn't been in any good ones either. Bad luck compared to no talent jack asses like will ferrel or adam sandler


True, but he'll be forever remembered as an Icon of 90s movies.
He was a staple in memorably light rom-coms.

I kind of do want to see him revive though. It's a shame to just stick a label on him.

An onion can make people cry, but there is no vegetable invented to make them laugh.


I've always considered "Scooby Doo" a good move
