
Okkkk, so why didnt "Home of the Giants" ever get released on DVD? i mean i never saw it. only the trailers. and it looks sooooo goood! does anyone know where i can watch it for free online or something. i realllllly wannna see it.

thanks for the help(:


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It did get released on DVD in Australia and South Africa.


There are a few shops that sell it online:
kalahari.net (Region 2)
devotedvd.com.au (Region 4)
ezydvd.com.au (Region 4)

Bought my copies from kalahari and devoteddvd. One is Region 4 and the other is Region 2 (same region as where I live). First I bought the Region 4 one because I just couldn't wait any longer. Than the Region 2 version was released and I just need to have one in my own Region, plus there's a chance that the R2 version is better transferred than the R4 one because it was released through a different distributor.


How much did the Reigon 2 DVD cost? I checked the Kalahari.net site and it did not give me an actual price.

Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today. - James Dean


Hmm, just a sec, I'll check my records.

Edit, here's the breakdown. S&H is shipping and handling. S&H prices may vary depending on where you live.

South African Rand
DVD: R 78.12
S&H: R 180
Total: R 258.12

US Dollars
DVD: $8.65
S&H: $19.92
Total: $28.57

DVD: 6.58 euro
S&H: 15.16 euro
Total: 21.74 euro


Thanks. That makes my life alot easier, consdering I didn't know the Rand was so low, that really gives me peace of mind.


You're welcome :) Yes, the Rand is surprisingly low. I was socked though that the S&H is more than double the price of the dvd itself.


How long did it take to arrive?
