and now he's fat

damn boy, put down the slice of cake before you're wider than you are tall


DiCaprio went through the same thing at about the same age, and look at him now. Perhaps it just happens to guys in their early twenties. Anyway, I'd rather see Haley performing in a serious show and getting good reviews, with a few extra pounds on him, than skinny and working in dreck or not at all.


I gotta say, I LOL'd at this thread subject, considering it's right above "He's young, rich, looks like a young Kurt Russell." ..."and now he's fat"

Anyway, yeah, Haley lookin' good as usual. Can't remember Leonardo DiCaprio looking quite like that...

If life gives you lemons, throw them at someone


Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat! lol

holy crap, that's not even "whoops, I accidentally gain a few and didn't notice" that's "I just don't care about myself"


Yeah, I have to agree, he is barely recognisable. His short hair really does not help, I thought he was better looking with it long, at first I thought this pic was photoshopped, but I checked with other pics. This is not the best one, if you look at the one with him facing the camera, it is not AS obvious but he still has put in wuite a few pounds. (see the web address at the end of my post, its the first picture captioned 2011)

But a lot of stars put on weight in between projects. Eminem balooned up in between two of his albums (the second being RELAPSE) but he then got his weight back under control. It would be interesting to know HOW Haley managed to gain that amount of weight, whether its alcohol, pills or just eating. Although it should not affect his career, Brando was still getting roles right up untill his last few years and he was very obese.

But let's hope he realises and does something about it, because the look he has at the momment does not suit him


Yeah, I have to agree, he is barely recognisable. His short hair really does not help, I thought he was better looking with it long, at first I thought this pic was photoshopped, but I checked with other pics. This is not the best one, if you look at the one with him facing the camera, it is not AS obvious but he still has put in quite a few pounds. (see the web address at the end of my post, its the first picture captioned 2011)

But a lot of stars put on weight in between projects. Eminem balooned up in between two of his albums (the second being RELAPSE) but he then got his weight back under control. It would be interesting to know HOW Haley managed to gain that amount of weight, whether its alcohol, pills or just eating. Although it should not affect his career, Brando was still getting roles right up untill his last few years and he was very obese.

But let's hope he realises and does something about it, because the look he has at the momment does not suit him


Dicaprio went through no such thing. He deliberately packed on 20 lbs for The Beach, then perhaps gained a few more for "Gangs" or Revolutionary Road. He was never anywhere near fat.


i looked up pics from the beach and he is not fat at all. what u talkin bout

i've got feelings too, ya know - inbetweeners


i looked up pics from the beach and he is not fat at all. what u talkin bout

Yes, he looks friggin' 18 in that movie (when he was 26). Perfect shape, ripped abs.
