MovieChat Forums > Haley Joel Osment Discussion > Haley Joel Osment vs Macauley Culkin.

Haley Joel Osment vs Macauley Culkin.

I know Macauley is older but still..
Which one of these two is your favorite actor? both as a child star and now.

Personally, I think Haley is a better actor and definitely better looking as a kid and even now. I mean look at sixth sense, secondhand lions and pay it forward.

The only movie I can really give Macauley some credit for his acting in is Home Alone.

Who's your favorite? and Who do you want to see more of?

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i guess haley is a better actor but i think he got better roles. mac fell to much into the family movie trap but I am a fan of both.

Grandma Ida: Guess why your soup tasted different when you came back from bathroom.


Haley all the way!!!


I guess none of you saw Culkin in "The Good Son."

"I don't deduce, I observe."


I've seen that movie. It was really good! I say Culkin. But Osment is good too.


I loved Haley in Pitch Black... wait, or was it Vin Diesel? I always get them two confused.
