MovieChat Forums > Jerry O'Connell Discussion > sliders should comeback again or reboot ...

sliders should comeback again or reboot into a film

sliders should comeback again or reboot into a film


I vote for a film.

Maybe something like Rembrant as the world savior, musician and books writers; Maggie as a director of a military school; Diana in her own company of investigation about electronic technology with diamonds and quartz; and Mallory with a institute/hospital to help injured kids to recovery.

All of them gathering once a year with the family to slide into a little vacations in another dimension(with four timers with the coordinates, just in case)

And with the Krommags stopped and now exiled to only one dimension, all seems to be happinnes... until an alternative Quinn appears in front of Rembrand about a new menace, Logan, which is sending interdimensional mercenaries to kill all the sliders and the families, so all the remains doubles are going to stop her.
