MovieChat Forums > Brittany Murphy Discussion > Why was her immune system weakened?

Why was her immune system weakened?

I watched the Beyond The Headlines show about Brittany Murphy. On it, they mentioned her weakened immune system. Were they trying to allude to something without coming out and saying it?


Chronic anemia can contribute it--very common in women in her age group). Also, if she did in fact have an eating disorder, that would have left her with several other vitamin and mineral deficiencies (besides iron deficiency that could have caused the anemia) that would also weaken the immune system. Would not have to mean something nefarious.


... Anemia is a symptom not a cause...


Iron deficiency can cause anemia; untreated iron deficiency causes microcytosis and hypochromia of red blood cells. The reduced oxygen carrying capacity of aforementioned red blood cells causes shortness of breath.

symptom: /ˈsim(p)təm/; noun: a physical or mental feature that is regarded as indicating a condition of disease, particularly such a feature that is apparent to the patient.

cause: /kôz/ noun: a person or thing that gives rise to an action, phenomenon, or condition. "the cause of the accident is not clear"


Left untreated, anemia can cause numerous complications, such as:
•Severe fatigue. When anemia is severe enough, you may be so tired that you can't complete everyday tasks. You may be too exhausted to work or play.
•Heart problems. Anemia can lead to a rapid or irregular heartbeat — an arrhythmia. Your heart must pump more blood to compensate for the lack of oxygen in the blood when you're anemic. This can even lead to congestive heart failure.
•Death. Some inherited anemias, such as sickle cell anemia, can be serious and lead to life-threatening complications. Losing a lot of blood quickly results in acute, severe anemia and can be fatal.

Anemia can be a symptom or a cause. If you want a dissertation on anemia of chronic disease versus anemia from acute blood loss, or macrocytic versus microcytic anemia, let me know.


What are you trying to allude that they were doing without saying they were doing something? Take the foil off of your head.


Oh, you prefer bluntness? Ok. Are they trying to say she has AIDS, without being blunt themselves? Better?


" stereotype and byword for paranoia, persecutory delusions, and belief in pseudo science and conspiracy theories" - explain the relevance here.

I have yet to force myself to watch the biopic, but of course it's entirely possible that writers may have hinted at HIV.



The mother's immune system is not compromised.
BM and SM immune systems were compromised.

I cannot imagine the pain, turmoil and conflicting feelings her parents cycle though while trying to protect their daughter's legacy.

Alternately on one hand, they need you psycho crazy fans to keep her memory alive but the other hand is that they are dragged through the mud by the same psycho crazy fan people who claim to also love their daughter.

The only difference is that she loved them (her parents) in return and some of you have me convinced she would've gotten restraining orders against you.

Put all the investigative energy towards something good help search for missing children, volunteer at a shelter --do it in her name but please stop salting the wounds of her parents its sickening.

Conceive Deceive or Leave


The mother's immune system is not compromised.

Well there are no reports of her dying, is the most we can say about that. While we're talking about insinuations... Simon's calling the mother of his recently-deceased wife "baby" is a little weird
