
I wonder if she even realizes how unattractive she is. Anytime I'm discussing female celebrities she is my go to for the ugly category...sitting right next to the manish Hilary Swank and the horse/foot faced Sarah Jessica Parker.

Look, I understand that these women cannot help their looks for the most part (I mean they can to an extent) but what I don't like is how 1. they try to act as if they are glamorous (play to your strengths I say) and 2. you have this weird sect of people out there that find these people especially attractive.

It's like Seinfeld once said: no matter how weird or unattractive someone looks there is always this small minority of freaky people who find their ugliness/warped features a turn on.

"Live every week like it's Shark Week."


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This is the part where you put a nice gleaming photo of yourself. My guess is Moss as well as many others would say the same thing about you. If you think she's so ugly, what possessed you to log into a computer, come to this website, look her up, and waste any amount of time voicing your moronic, shallow opinion that no one asked for or cares about?


Wow. Did THAT make you feel better about yourself?


Yup. She would definitely be on a top ten ugly celebrity list.


Doesn't matter. She probably made more money this year than you'll make in your whole insignificant life.


She can't do anything about the cards that nature has dealt her. You on the other hand could probably change your ways. But I doubt that you will. You'll probably be the same sh-t stain you are today until the day you shuffle off this mortal coil.


It's like Seinfeld once said: no matter how weird or unattractive someone looks there is always this small minority of freaky people who find their ugliness/warped features a turn on.

...and Jerry Seinfeld is so gorgeous himself.

I guess he was talking about the 4 average-looking leads on his show. Maybe that's why people liked them & made Jerry so rich.

But truly beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some people think SJParker is pretty. Some think Pam Andersen is pretty. Some think Kim Kartrashcan is pretty. It's really a matter of taste.

I'm watching Jason Strathan on a talk show right now & cannot for the life of me see why he's a movie star. I wouldn't recognize him if he came to pick me up in a limo and was sitting in the back seat. I'd ask him for ID before I got into the car. He looks like scores of guys I've seen in the gym or unpacking grocery boxes on the night shift at the local supermarket.


Historically she doesn't do much for me either, to be honest. (Just not my type.) However, check out her photos from Page Six. Especially this one.

