Sexy Latina!
Portuguese = Hispanic.
shareby - houndawg3 on Mon Sep 28 2009 07:16:16 She may come from a Latin background, but she is not Latina. Latina refers to a female from Latin America, as does the term Hispanic.
Wrong, houndawg3.
Whether or not Latina refers to a female from Latin America depends on the context and culture you're using that word. Some people who use that word don't live in and aren't from the USA and they don't have to conform to its norms.
"Latina" is the female gender of an adjective meaning "latin."
Is she Latina? Depends what the person using it is referring to. Your assumption is your own.
But back to Danica, she neither. She's also part Scottish and who knows what else. She was born and raised in the USA, which makes her an American. Not a hyphenated American, just an American.'
Portuguese-American. She's half Portuguese and more Portuguese than any one other thing in her other half. Portuguese law states someone is Portuguese if at least one of their parents is. AFAIK she could become a citizen of Portugal. Portugal allows for dual citizenship and so does the USA.
Ethnically/racially speaking "Portuguese" might not be the right word because "Portugal" is a political state and I don't think she is a citizen. Saying she is Portuguese is just the common layman way of describing her heritage but it might be more accurate to say "Galego" or "Calaico," which is what the Portuguese (of yolk and not naturalization) are who are related to those of Galicia, Asturias, etc., in Spain.
In the end roughly all Iberians are pretty much similar stock.
In light of all I've said she has the right to self-determine what she is, NOT YOU, and AFAIK she acknowledges it.
Don't quote to me from stupid ass Wikipedia.
So, you're not really right and neither is the OP.
@ The OP
You're just some troll but in case not:
She is not Hispanic. Even Spaniards aren't Hispanic. They are Hispano. Historically even as a Portuguese I am Hispano but later the word was monopolized and came to refer only to Castilian Spain.
Hispanic = Hispano + ico (denoting similarity) = Similar to or influenced by the Spaniards. But the word is just more American stupid *beep* anyway so who the fark cares. Maybe you but not me.