MovieChat Forums > Paul McCartney Discussion > Is Paul McCartney weird, or just smart?

Is Paul McCartney weird, or just smart?

Saw this in my YouTube feed about Paul's requirements for staff:

Paul McCartney's Rules For His Staff Are Beyond Weird

Pretty amazing business man. Too much?


It's obviously worked very well for him


Most probably both.


The new Paul did alright for himself.


He may be a bit eccentric. Nothing wrong with that 😄


He's pretty strict about the vegan stuff and is kind of fashion conscious for a guy, but I didn't think any of it was too weird.

I'm sure he doesn't want people going through his garbage or stealing his used bath towel after he leaves a hotel room or e taking pictures of his used kleenex. Someone as famous as he is, I can absolutely see things like that happening.


I think he's just a genuinely nice person. And smart.


He's an awesome individual and nothing wrong with how he runs things


The Brits are renowned for eccentricity, and Sir Paul is an example of that. They have some brilliantly creative people but they also tend to be a bit kooky.
