MovieChat Forums > Bill Maher Discussion > He's a total idiot now.

He's a total idiot now.

His "Club Random" podcast is just meandering nonsense, didn't he try to bring Real Time back under the strike? So he's a scab strikebreaker too?

He's not anywhere on the left anymore, if he ever was. He's a "libertarian". They are the biggest idiots in the entire landscape of US politics.


Love your username... hate the band...


Truth be told, no one in their right mind would be on the Left anymore because this Democrat Party is far from being Moderate ever again


When one of your own questions something you don't believe in, maybe you should at least *consider* what he's saying?

Oh, and scabs effect healing..


BILL MAHER ISN'T ON THE LEFT. He's not "one of my own" That was my whole point.

He's a Libertarian, he's Ron Paul Lite.



Well, no - he isn't today's Marxist leftist. Bill Maher is what used to be called a classic liberal - people who leaned left but had America's best interests at heart even if the path there was opposite what conservatives believed.

What's happened now is that the left has picked up their tent moved so far left that anyone who questions anything from the left is now a nut job. And while there are certainly plenty of far right wing nut jobs, the conservative movement hasn't budged much.


"He's not anywhere on the left anymore..."

If that's true, it's completely incompatible with being an idiot. What bothers you is that he doesn't agree with your leftism.


Being on the left is incompatible with being an idiot? I agree.


Says an idiot.


I know you are, but what am I?


Bill Maher is a conflicted liberal from the old days when you could agree to disagree in being a Moderate, but he has a difficult time getting onboard for this Progressive Communist Democrat Party and rightfully so


He won't get on any side now. He's a total fence-sitter. Which is the weakest feeblest position to have. His political views can be summarized by "Republicans are bad. Democrats are bad. They're both bad!" And that's the extent of Bill Maher's political forethought.


One look at your posting history tells me you're the biggest idiot on MoronChat!


Your second-last post is on Trump's page, stumping for him, so.... you aren't in a position to call anyone a moron


I would be interested in hearing what Maher thinks about the prospect of Michelle Obama taking Biden's place in August at the Democrat Convention??
