How do you think he viewed his Career
For the people who loved him he was a rebellious independent who couldn't be controlled by the networks and so had to make do with bits and pieces and he always had his stand up to get by, in that regard he is a folk hero because he answered to no one and retained his credibility
But on the other side it has been noted that it was a bit of a joke that he wasn't given something like the Late Night host job and Bob Saget mentioned in his goodbye video that it hurt Norm the way he was treated by the industry.
Looking back on the last 15 years for example his main highlight outside the amazing specials he put out was the Norm Macdonald live show on youtube, which while i adore does have a tinge of sadness about it as this champion is on Youtube in a low production and not hugely watched medium when he should have been using his talents on a higher scale
Personally as i said i like that he always had things on his own terms and managed to survive but i wonder how much money he made and how satisfied he truely was, and how is he perceived by others?