If Blythe Danner wasn't her mommy, I sweat Peggy Lipton would be. They look a lot alike.
I even think Rashida Jones looks a bit like Gwyneth.
If Blythe Danner wasn't her mommy, I sweat Peggy Lipton would be. They look a lot alike.
I even think Rashida Jones looks a bit like Gwyneth.
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shareThey do look similar. They both have parents who are/were of Russian-Jewish descent (Bruce Paltrow & Harold Lipton).
shareYeah, I always thought that Peggy & Gwyneth look alike.
really? i think peggy lipton is a great beauty.
I think Gwyneth has a simple sweet beauty that comes with endless grooming. Peggy Lipton had a natural beauty that didn't need heaps of make up and work, probably explains why Rashida is SOOO gorgeous..I am comparing them when they were in their twenties.
But their colouring , fake or no, is similar...frankly I love Blythe Danner but for the life of me I can't see any of her in Gwyneth.
Thank you
At least in Peggy's picture I had plenty of time to gaze on her mesmerizing face....without a pair of Hollywood distractions
Gwyneth is an unattractive version of Peggy Lipton. Sorry, but Peggy is stunningly beautiful while Gwyneth is um....not so much. And bears only a superficial resemblance to Peggy.