New article about the time Trump wanted a date with Lucy
Lucy was in NYC when she starred in Grease on Broadway.
Lucy was in NYC when she starred in Grease on Broadway.
This is an old story in the fandom. I heard about it back in the 90s/00s myself. Trump asked her out. She turned him down. That's it! Apparently it appeared in the NZ herald at the time, 1997. It's right in the article. So they contacted Lucy to confirm the story for this new piece.
It's mostly a non-story that NZ Herald hyped up because of all the current Trump news. Though the part about him calling the direct line to her hotel room is inappropriate and kind of creepy.
Yes, it was creepy and I laughed when he told her he was recently "on the market." As if!
Well he thinks he's "all that." Like he's a hot hunky man or something. Lol.
I first heard of him in the 80s. I was only a kid, but I thought he was homely looking and I got creepy vibes from him. That view never changed throughout the years.
It's mostly a non-story that NZ Herald hyped up because of all the current Trump news.
It's click bait by the New Zealand Herald. Look at the title:Xena the Warrior Princess Lucy Lawless tells of the time Donald Trump made his move on her
Look at the first line: An engaged Lucy Lawless was forced to reject the direct advances
They tried to make it sound like it was a physical attack. But read through and it is nothing of the sort. It is disturbing he looked up her information and dialed her room directly. But there isn't an assault here as the article tried to make it seem.
They looked up an old story from 1997, got her to confirm it, and created this big whoopty doo out of it. They must need to sell more papers, or their site is low on traffic. Sheesh.
Lucy went on her friend Anika's NZ talk show and they talked about this.