Sex and thev City

I swore I saw him on the show hooking up with Carrie and she dumped him when she found out he was bisexual. But I don't see it on his page.


I believe you are thinking of Eddie Cahill. He is the actor who played Carrie's bisexual boyfriend on SATC. He also played Tag Jones on Friends and is currently on CSI: NY as Det. Don Flack. I hope this helps you out.


that was Chris Noth !! Its really freaking how Justin Kirk & Chris Noth look like each other..


I swear he *was* in Sex And The City for a brief moment - the episode where Carrie is caught in the rain and she seeks refuge under an awning...and then she says, "if this were a French movie..."


Nope! Thank gawd for IMDb - the actor who resembles Justin is actually Chris Tschupp. ? Lol.
