MovieChat Forums > Vinnie Jones Discussion > A DEFCON 1 insult to cinema

A DEFCON 1 insult to cinema

Vinnie Jones is a DISGRACE to cinema. Guy Ritchie has a lot to answer for. V.J was a novelty in Lock Stock. A severe embarrassmet in Swordfish and Gone in 60 Seconds. To add insult to injury, he killed a franchise in the X-Men Trilogy with a dire performance as the man in the muscle suit and silly voiced Juggernaught. Do all lovers of film, relegate this *beep* to Reality day time T.V. where he belongs!


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I think you'll find if one person killed the X Men fanchise, it would be Brett Ratner! Vinnie was already cast when Ratner came on but BR decided to fill the movie with even more characters and didn't give then enough screen tinme, Angel being the perfect example. I enjoyed his performances in Lock Stock, Snatch, Swordfish and X Men, but thats my opinion.


Did Vinnie Jones Kill your dog or something? Man your post was brutal and its totally unfounded. Given hes not a brilliant actor but he has pulled off most of the roles hes been cast for so give the guy a break.


I would have to agree that he was great in Swordfish, Gone in 60 seconds and most everything else he's done - wether the movie itself is good or not - he definately made it better and/or funny!



i think vinnie is great and a credit to the uk......hey who knows maybe alan shearer will appear in a movie next ......ha ha ha

Victims...........arent we all.


Alan Shearer?

Isn't he the one did Yoghurt ads some years back?

About as dramatically talented as what he was drinking TBH

Vinnie Jones was superb in LS&TSB

I just wish he would give up this real-life tough-guy image, it's funny at best



alan shearer didnt do yoghurt ads as far as i know i think he did a couple of mcdonalds adverts........
susean, do you know who alan shearer is ?

Victims...........arent we all.


Couldn't play football - he was a thug - and he's even worse as an 'actor'. How desperate are people to employ someone like him ?
