
This idiot and Jason Statham are an absolute disgrace. They are just low class louts from the UK who are somehow propelled into major motion pictures - my guess is that they both performed fellatio to get where they are.

Have you heard either of them try to put on an american accent, it is beyond terrible, not even passable. Vinnie Jones in "Hell Ride" and Jason Statham in "The One" should both be nominated for the worse American accents in the history of cinema.

To even suggest they are good actors just demonstrates how dumbed down and idiotic modern society is. The only roles they can pull of successfully are thugs and criminals, because that is what they essentially were before appearing on the screen.

If these apes can be actors then ANYONE can...


Noone cares about your shallow opinions.
Bad troll go somewhere else!


shadowexpert, perhaps you can send me tickets to your next stage performance.


Shadowexpert I agree whole-heartedly.

These two are the types you see on a Friday evening at the pub blurting stupid sh*t and trying to punch on with other people.

Not on the big screen trying to pass off a decent impression of some stone-cold assassin or something.

Seriously they're both so ridiculously cartoonish, it's hilarious.
Those stupid fking "mean" expressions they constantly wear, the tacky suits, I mean Statham chews a toothpick in just about every fking movie he does.
What he is trying to pull seriously?
You might as well go: "Are you talking to me?" a couples of times to solidify that overall douchebag image.

Don't get started on their so called "American accents".

I can't stand these pr*cks, they've been in what so far? A string of critically-panned action films so far and suddenly they're the second coming to all these kids on here.

When the Defecation hits the Oscillation.


BOOURNS to the OP AND Amar.....

I don't know who the hell says (or would say) they are good actors and actually means it in the "Brando" sense.

These guys are action movie stars...! Big deal. At least they have some badass in them.

They most likely ain't gonna ever win an Academy Award but who cares. I appreciate all kinds of movies including that type of movie. I would like to watch every Best Picture winning movie ever made before I die.

But anyone who is a real action movie fan knows what I am talking about. I appreciate that they are not just pretty boys with zero "tough guy appeal."

Not all action movie fans are brainless idiots. And some action movies and action movie actiors are terrible.

But these guys are not.

You guys don't have a clue what you're talking about.


You can't complain. If people didn't want to watch them, studios wouldn't pay them.


Why the hell should they have to do American accents perfectly ? They are both Londoners and thats how we speak.
I am pissed off with American idiots slagging off us Brits.
Why aint you an actor then ? - I will tell you why. Your are a dickhead. I doubt you could get a job in McDonalds with that attitude.

"when in doubt - kill !"
Richard Crenna , First Blood


Yanks have no right to insult a londoner doing an American accent after the disgrace of Dick Van Dyke (awesome name) in Mary Poppins!!!


Vinnie Jones and Jason Statham are character actors. No claims they are master thespians.

Harp on their bad accents all you want but be advised that many American actors can't to good foreign accents either. Did you ever see The Devil's Own or K-19: The Widowmaker?
