I do,too. I'm not a Midwesterner but speech-wise I could be totally be mistaken for an have been mistkane for one due to my parents being from there--my whole family says "Warsh", a Illinois-Kansas Cioty thing which Wouldn't be common in some other parts of US-(and as an aside, anytime I hear anyone else, even from my own home state California, where I shouldn't be surprised when hearing multigeneration west coasters, where I'm first generation-my mother was from Illionois then Missouri and my late father who died in Dec.2003 from Missouri,-ANY time I hear my friends saying "WAHSH" throws me...now I know how they feel when I talk about doing my laundry..have been to the Midwest though not Katie's state, Ohio). BTW Katie Holmes is a real cutie, in First Daughter and the much more recent Jack and Jill (with Adam Sandler).I hope that Tom Cruise knows hhow lucky he is..Oh, and as a PS, I love her apple-cheeks, THAT ought to be listed as her trademark..and she was cute in Dawson's Creek..must have gotten a lot of dates back then as a teenager.)]
Sarah Silverman Is Magic
Amanda Bynes is hot, Lindsay Lohan is not