
You would think that after all the success of Entourage, he would hire a trainer and get his bod in shape. his body is god awful and so gross to watch.


I've always wondered why the producers of the show don't make him work out. He's supposed to be a leading man. But he certainly doesn't look the part.


So a person isn't allowed to look like a REAl human being just because he is in a tv show...



First off all... he doesnt look like a "real" human being. He looks overweight. Secondly! He isnt supposed to be a normal human being in entourage... hes supposed to be a famous actor, a star! so yes he should start working out.


He isn't supposed to look like a "real" human being. He supposed to look like a Hollywood leading man. The basis of the whole show and his character. His look and your post is a whole lot of fail.


Josh Radnor
Jason Segel
Bill Hader
Joanh hill
Jim carry

a list of names, you do the thinking.

that is a recent picture of him, if that is fat then Hollywood has damaged you, it's obvious that he doesnt lift weights but he's not as bad as you guys say, why not talk about Kevin Dillon then, hes in the same show, not a huge star as his "brother" but still..

Im not a fan of the guy but I think it's absurd how you critize a person for looking like this, all in all your argument is invalid, a lot of people who look like *beep* are huge in hollywood, and oftenwhen ppl are casted bc of their looks and not skills the movies end up being *beep*


I agree with you. This seems like female boards who are flooded with fat jealous girls flaming attractive females....Adrien is hot...and definitely not fat!


He could stand to work out the pecs a little but I wouldn't kick him out of bed for it lol. He's like a normal guy in that way. I think he's hot as hell.


I think he is gorgeous. There is nothing wrong with his body! I find overly muscled men to be a bit of a turn-off actually.
