MovieChat Forums > Jamie Foxx Discussion > Is Jamie going to wear a T-shirt with Ch...

Is Jamie going to wear a T-shirt with Chris Lane's face on it, or

Delbert Benton's face on it?
Don't hold your breath.


If he wants to be honest and not a hypocrite, he should wear a t-shirt of all the shooting victims. Heck, most in the black community who are shot are shot by other blacks and there isnt as much in the press about it. More non-blacks are shot by blacks than vice versa....think he will wear a shirt in their name? Course ratings....their lives arent as important.

A strong case can be made Trayvon was a thug and a stronger one can be made he was in the wrong due to the physical evidence. However; while we may not know for certain what happened that night, one should care at least as much for the other victims each day compared to this over-sensationalized case.

"You'd better watch out Dr Death, I'm pretty darn fast for a caucasian!"
