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Because she thinks Timberlake is more of a good catch than she is.


Sometimes love is far more powerful than personal greed. Who knows, however I think they make a pretty good couple.

"In Beverly Hills... they don't throw their garbage away. They make it into television shows."


She gets to be Mrs. Timberlake.

He keeps her relevant.

She's attending events she would have otherwise never been step foot in. She met Barack Obama and Joe Biden. You think that would have been possible otherwise?


Is she really bisexual? I didn't know


Did she meet obama/biden while justin was meeting them?
If she worked on his election or re election campaign,
or did any charity work that ties in to obama/biden's agenda
she could have met.

I say this bc you make is sound like justin is her only way to meet obam/biden.

please buy IndiaArie'sSONGVERSATION released 6/25/13
