MovieChat Forums > Kevin Smith Discussion > Kevin Smith or Uwe Boll?

Kevin Smith or Uwe Boll?

Honestly, there isn't much in it is there

I did like Clerks but never cared much for all of Smith's other movies. Tusk was on cable the other day and it's an awful movie.

Smith is basically the American version of Uwe Boll but he tries to be artsy. Unfortunately he does not have the talent of a Lars von Trier hence Smith's movies are quite bad and fall into the C category occupied by the Uwe Boll's


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Really? He's made a few bad movies, where every thing Uwe boll touches is complete dogsh*t. Don't think they're even in the same class.


Not even close.

Let's be bad guys.


Just because Kevin Smith makes movies with lots of dialogue and you don't like that, that's your opinion, doesn't mean his movies are bad. It also doesn't mean his movies are artsie or whatever.
And it absolutely doesn't give you the right to compair him with Uwe boll, that's like compairing Steven Spielberg and Michael Bay. And no I'm not compairing steven with Kevin or Uwe with Michael. They just happen to be a great dialogue and action director I can think off.


Tusk had great dialogue?


Uwe is better because he knows his movies are not the greatest unlike Kevin trying to convince the world he's talented because he knows comic books. The guy is annoying as hell, he's only appealing to nerds.


Jeffrey Mandel


What you say makes no sense to me. It seems your own opinion. Such as:
Smith is basically the American version of Uwe Boll but he tries to be artsy.

Smith never tries to be artsy. If he does would you please tell me exactly where he tries to be artsy? He makes bare bones, crude dialogue heavy comedy. It might be yours, but that is not my definition of artsy. Unless you think merely being dialogue driven is artsy. I don't. Boll is a man who uses film to launder money. Think of it as Scientology but onscreen. Smith himself points out often how his films are best when they cost less than 10 mil and almost always hit around the 30 mil in theaters (but tons more of dvd sales etc) The comparison to Von Trier is also lost on me. They have totally different 'type' movies. Comparing the two is like comparing Spielberg with Scorsese. When Smith ventured out of his comfort zone he is hit or miss. Red State was good. Tusk was not.

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