MovieChat Forums > Kevin Smith Discussion > take a stand against this imdb decision ...

take a stand against this imdb decision to close boards

What about the people who make movies ? Scriptwriters and directors. Surely they must be interested in having people talk about their movies, a lot of directors pour their heart into making movies, having people talk about their work surely must be important to them.

Why else would they make movies if it´s not to get people to think about, analyze and discuss the movie with fellow moviegoers.
Scriptwriters and directors cannot be happy with this decision, not if they care about the movies they make !
We need a Movie Director to take a stand against this imdb decision.


Why should they speak out for a bunch of trolls who do nothing but slag them off anonymously on the internet? They should just let us all drown because that's what we deserve. There's plenty of other places to discuss movies online.

I'm not happy about the boards closing down but I can see why it's happening. This has been a long time coming.

You who wish to conquer pain, you must learn to serve me well.
