emma watson

i watched american beauty today at school and i've noticed she has a very similar look to emma watson in harry potter!!


not really, no

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


Hmm lets see:

- two eyes
- one nose
- one mouth

You're right !

Other than that ... not so much, but hey, who cares.

If you really would be an omnivore, you would consider raw innards a delicacy.


Haha, I thought so too!


Yes, I see it a little in their faces, especially the eyes. I think they are both very pretty.

"Art is useless, go home" (painting by Ben Vautier)


you watched it at school??

weird place to watch it.


Watching AB at school... how cool! I wish we watched such great movies in class.

Well, the last thing I remember was... "Aaah, scary clown doll!!"


no kidding. all we watch is stupid boring docs and of course forrest gump which is great until after the tenth time you watch it
