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I 100% agree. He was literally my first and only choice when I heard of the (then) potential sequel. And good news, it appears he is interested and gunning for the role. Come onnnn Fox, make the 2nd perfect casting choice for your new hit franchise.


I too agree.


He has my vote. Memorable in Gettysburg and Avatar.


Agreed. He wants the role apparently and while it'd the great if i was aware of another human that could so easily sink into the role... he's literally the only one that is almost pre built for the role.

The only way he could more appear like cable... is if he happened to have a metal bionic arm already.

Job done. Why even try to look elsewhere?

Fyi- im a massive cable fan. Not casting this guy would be nuts.

Nevermind that pretty much every role he has seems to be the kind of military character cable is.


I like his look too but at 5'10 (same height as myself) he's too short. Plus he's too old now. Ryan Reynolds is about 6'2, so whoever plays the male version (I still like the idea of Keira Knightley for the female version) of Cable needs to be at least several inches taller. Kevin Nash would be a perfect fit. He's 6'9 and he's about 10 years younger than Lang. Cable in the comics is around 6'8 and looks about Nash's age. Just check out these photos to see for yourself:

I may not always respect WHAT you say, but I do respect YOUR RIGHT to say it.


Yeah he's a more than capable actor. He's been in several movies. Take a look at his profile on here.

I may not always respect WHAT you say, but I do respect YOUR RIGHT to say it.
