The secend episode of this season's er She play's the bit*h that breaks her ankle getting off the train.
IT's todaly her unless she has a twin.
P.S who else thinks she's even hotter with the shorter hair?


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i dont remember seeing that episode but heck yea love her with da short hair extremely hot

People who bite da hand that feeds them usually lick da boot that kicks them. ~Eric Hoffer~


Yeah She was making fun of Abby and Neela on the Train(Talking to her allso bitch friend)and after they got off the train Ms.Holt broke her ankle(wearing high Heels, and stummbled), Neela goes to her and checks her ankle, Holt tells her get off of me, and Neela says It's ok I'm Doctor.
holt says I want a second opinion so then abby says Ok , your ankle might be broke and your A bitch!,Credits roll.
then later in the episode Holt is in the ER and Neela and Abby make her wait six hours, just to screw with her.
Ms.Holt plays a very good bitch!
She was allso in the last few episodes of Las Vegas last season as Det. Jenny Cho.
No word on if she will return at all this season.
I could see her sue The ER later on this season to.
She was a big enough bitch I wouldent put it past her.
Anyways Rambling is done, hope it helps.
