MovieChat Forums > Michael Gambon Discussion > One of the Reasons DH P1 was so good is

One of the Reasons DH P1 was so good is

Michael Gambon is not in it. True story, this guy is one of the main reasons why the Harry Potter movies are such a big fail in comparison to the books. Gambon has ruined Dumbledore every step of the way, so not seeing his face in DHP1 was like a breath of fresh air.

Not saying he's the only reason the movies were a let down - cutting out loads of important information, backstory and subplots are just as important - but when u misscast one of the most important and beloved characters in the Harry Potter universe you can't really expect hardcore fans to appreciate that.

I know it's been said a million times, but Harris did an astronomically better portrayal, even though he was older and fragile.


I disagree. When he was cast, is when I really started to like the films.

I'm superstitious. Before I start a new movie, I kill a hobo with a hammer-Gwyneth Paltrow


I disagree completely. Gambon was one of the things that the filmmakers did right. They gave us an edgier, grittier Dumbledore. Let's face it, Dumbledore is a very one dimensional character when compared to some of the other roles Gambon has taken on. Gambon is a GREAT actor; Dumbledore is small potatoes in comparison.

His Dumbledore is wild. He's losing control of things; Dumbledore is a Machiavellian character, so of course he's getting pissed. He gives us all dimensions of Dumbledore.

Jesus. Hardcore Potter fans have no appreciation for adaption, interpretation, or filmmaking. Nor fine acting for that matter. Gambon is great.


Disagreed, if you'd actually read the books you'd realise his portrayal of Dumbledore is exactly how it should be.


Harris was fine. But his portrayal was almost Santa Clausish. Dumbledore is a eccentric almost boyish scamp, who also has a wise and dark side. GAMBON is Dumbledore. I guarantee you that 90% of the audience agrees with that..


OP, he was technically in the film. He has no lines, though, and appears in flashbacks and as a corpse.

Cars 2: 1.5/4
Paul: 2/4
