Giancarlo, how do you do it.
I mean, I am new to you in terms of your acting... but..
I'll break my opinion down.
Breaking Bad : I wanted to SHOOT YOU IN THE EYE!!!!!
Once upon a time : Man I just wanna hug you and give you a beer and eat cheese on toast.
When I first saw you in ouat I thought "Oh no, this will never work..."
Now when I see you in it, you embody that character. That is just sheer brilliance. No such thing here as typecast. You just make it happen, and it's usually impossible for such a staunch role to change. You are indeed a vivid actor, able to put those nuances into play that change the role, not the face or stance, a single picture of you is either character, but in effect you make it entirely different. Awesome.
The kid in the show also, amazing how he can act sometimes, it throws me for a six.
I'm double spacing for impact !! If you do ever peruse your own comments on imdb, know you scare the sh~te outta me as Gustov, and man.. how awesome you are in the fairy tales... hahaha, massive thumbs up man, diversity is the spice of tv, and you make that chicken mad hatter style for sure buddy!! :)
From Aus, big fan!
-- Do unto others before they do unto you.