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Giancarlo Esposito Boards The Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials



what the hell, no, just no


why the negative response, he is a good actor- have you read the books?


I think the better question is have you read the books? Cause last time I checked he was described to be mid twenties to thirties. And I finished reading The Scorch Trials 2 days ago, so.
25-30 compaired to 56 is kind of a big difference if you hadn't guessed that for yourself yet.


your funny sickxprincess-1, of course there is going to be some changes age wise or even couple of scenes that will not be in here as that is what some films or series to books do.But yea I have read the books



I am rarely bugged by casting choices. When reading a book everyone has their own idea's of what a certain character is supposed to look like. So in the end there's always going to be someone who is unhappy about it, because it doesn't fit their idea of what said character is supposed to look like.

But this casting choice annoys me. Jorge comes across as a young guy, but also a little wise beyond his age. So IDK in my mind he is supposed to be way younger, which is of course because he was described to be younger.
I'll probably get used to it, I just don't like it.


thanks for the grammar at the start but that was my phone, I understand why you feel that way but hopefully they don't change to much from the books or I will be annoyed.Where you from?


I'm from The Netherlands.


I'm about 75% of the way through The Scorch Trials. Came to see who was playing the new cast just out of curiosity.
Didn't picture Jorge to be that old. Figured he'd be significantly younger and more like the street-gang essay type.
This is interesting. Going to have to reimagine him now.

If revenge is a dish best served cold, but revenge is sweet then is revenge ice-cream?
