His eyes in BB

I have to say..I've never seen an actor convey so much through their eyes like Giancarlo does. Every time Gus instantly transforms into that ultimate ruthless boss in BB, after being ultra nice just moments before.
His eyes are so dark and damn intense, and even more so through his spectacles!!
You can't help but fixate on them and just imagine what the characters on the receiving end would feel if it was IRL!

Anyone else feel this about out by his intense stares?


Yes, and also the way he MUST keep up that dapper appearance,straightening his tie or adjusting his glasses, and a minute later, BAM, he's unscrupulous and despicable! What acting! The guy you love to hate.


Brilliant acting! Just... wow!


Yeah. He (and his eyes) are incredible.

Best Films of 2012: Django Unchained and Silver Linings Playbook.


Especially in the box cutter episode, amazing!


This man talks with his eyes.

House. My room. Can't walk. My medal. My father. Father, don't!


Totally agree with you, Giancarlo did an amazing performance as Gus in Breaking Bad. He is one of the reasons, i love to watch the episodes again and again.
