MovieChat Forums > Oprah Winfrey Discussion > If we are going to start electing celebr...

If we are going to start electing celebrities as President ...

then we need to insist that we get a smarter grade of celebrity because Trump never seems to have read the Constitution ... and who knows anything about Oprah? These people say one thing as political newbies, and then they get in office and say, sorry, who knew, and do the opposite.

Trumps health care policy was cover everyone, cheaper and better, get all he has settled for was to cripple ObamaCare and screw millions of peoples' lives up. Same with the tax system - more deficit widening tax breaks for billionaires when we have crushing debt.

Who knows if Oprah knows anything more than Trump? Who cares. Bernie is the one who needs to run.


"Crazy Bernie"?? Right. Yeah, that's what we need. Another f***ing Socialist just like old Dumbo Ears.



If we're going to start?

Ronald Reagan.


He had already been a politician by the time he ran for President, he was governor for many years. His celebrity status as an ok actor didn't really propel him into the position. I am not sure he counts.

Trump just decided one day to be President and it came to be. Oprah just thinks about and it could be. But consider Obama, it was a sort of celebrity that propelled him as well because he hadn't really done anything in office that made him an ideal candidate for the Top office. In fact Trump with his extensive business dealings and running multiple companies and ties to Foreign nations was probably more qualified coming in than Obama was.


Obama held office at least. As a New Yorker who saw Trump in action before he was on the public radar, his business dealings were....sketchy.


DO you think that should be a requirement? Hold some kind of elective office before...or at least been a military officer?

That would at least resolve the wholly unqualified candidates like Trump, Oprah, The Rock..etc.


I think, based on what the internet has shown over the last year, requirements are not so much needed on who can run for President, but who can vote for President. Sorry, but this last year and people supporting Trump when he condoned Nazis, rationalized for Trump when he talked about assaulting women and now people defending Trump when he's (again) blatantly racist? Trump is one, his acolytes are millions....I say fix the larger problem.


Unfortunately limiting to a small number of people that may be bias for Trump is not going to fix the larger problem. That merely slants it. Their are people out there that voted for Hillary because she is a woman..that is a crap reason. Obama got a votes because he was black..again a crap reason...and of course people vote for white and male as well. These are all bigoted, crap reasons. Their are people that vote just based on party without considering what is best, that is the largest group that votes on either side of our two party system. And that is a problem with how we do our politics today, sometimes if you are traditionally on the left the guy on the right is the better choice, sometimes its the opposite.

Some people hate the new tax policy not because its bad but because who it came from. Their was a guy who recently went out talking to people about Bernie's tax proposal, it was actually republican one. They said they were against the republican one..but loved Bernie's....this is a huge problem in this country.

You have people like me, once Trump vs Clinton was a thing..who was I to vote for? Trump has issues but at least talks about things I think should be done in the US. Clinton to me was entitled candidate that had little to offer and was so unlikable that she couldn't carry blue states Obama would have won easily. Behind her was Bernie I don't live in reality its not like the Democrats put up these great options to make Trump that terrible of a choice. A good percentage of the country did not want to continue that past 8 years, Trump was about the only choice if you wanted to shift from that. I couldn't bring myself to vote for him but I understand why some did and its not because they are all racist, sexist people.


Obama was a junior senator who did exactly zip. No legislation, no bills, nothing. He shows up and speaks at the DNC, and he's the next president.

This is the man who took the debt to unprecedented levels with almost none of it going towards infrastructure or military upgrades. A true Socialist who, by the way, gave Iran nukes and cash just like Clinton did with NK. Assuming the world survives baby Kim, we'll have to deal with Iran and Israel in twenty years.

Yeah, Oprah is just what we need...


You do know it was Bush who took us deep into debt, right? I mean, it was in all the papers. Maybe it had to be closer to Hagar for you to notice that.


Bush was a social liberal, but Obama took the debt waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay past Bush.

reply bail the country out of the recession Bush put us in?

I suspect that you'll never agree with anyone who dares not paint Obama as the Devil.

How hard did YOU cheer when you heard Donnie owned his racism yesterday?


I'm a black man, and I agree with him. Those countries are shit holes. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar. The difference is is that Trump shouldn't have *said* it, assuming he did...

The recession was a *direct* result of the terror attacks of 9-11. Check the GNP right after. The second whammy was the Dodd-Frank "everyone should own a home even if they can't pay for it" plan. Simple: fund homeowners who can't afford the property, drive up the costs, then watch as the balloon burst leaving homeowners upside down. Same thing happened when stocks were bought on margin in the 1920s.

But none of these facts will impress anyone who doesn't paint conservatives as devils...


Dodd-Frank was NOT "everyone should own a home even if they can't pay for it" plan. It was a RESPONSE to the financial crisis, which was caused largely by sub-prime mortgages. This was caused in part by the Community Reinvestment Act (passed in 1977) and the federal government overriding state anti-predatory laws in 2004. Also, mortgage lenders were able to bundle bad loans into mortgage-backed securities bundles and pass off bad debt.

Seriously, WHERE did you get the idea that Dodd-Frank was a "everyone should own a home even if they can't pay for it" plan when the financial crisis caused by "everyone should own a home even if they can't pay for it" occurred before Dodd-Frank was passed and before Obama was President. I'm asking seriously. WHERE did you get that information?

Oh....23 years in the Financial Services I was here before, during and after the crisis.


Dodd-Frank was the *wrong* plan in response to the sub prime fiasco which both parties share blame for. This created an unprecedented decline in economic growth caused by ridiculous and overly restrictive regulations to the banking industry. Dodd-Frank also did little to quell the deficient mortgage underwriting standards, standards that set up the bubble and inevitable collapse upon people who had no business taking out a mortgage.

My best friend is a retired full partner with Price Waterhouse Coopers, and I heard this all first hand during the crisis.


Don’t pivot.

Be an adult and admit you tried to blame the housing crisis on the wrong president and the wrong piece of legislation.

Don’t be a trump, be a man.


Bush set the country up for those deficits and bigger debts with his huge tax cuts, and we will have the same thing with Trump - blasting the debt skyward.

If Bush had not cut taxes and been more frugal about how to conduct the counter attacks on radical Islam things might have not gotten so bad.

It is really unfair to blame this on Obama. The start of the original ballooning of the debt goes back to the original Reagan tax cuts - and it pretty much stayed there at about 6 trillion until Bush.


Do you think maybe she knows that there are not 57 states, unlike what old Dumbo Ears thinks?



Obama was a Constitutional scholar as well, as was mentioned a few days ago Trump falls asleep right after the 4th Amendment. There is a difference. As well, Trump was a well-established con-man and criminal basically.


Let's all agree to not elect celebrities to any sort of public office, shall we?

Not a single one of them is as smart as they think they are, and none of them understand how government works from the inside.
