MovieChat Forums > Carl Weathers Discussion > Weathers returns in Alien Vs Predator?

Weathers returns in Alien Vs Predator?

What??? Weathers may return in some way shape or form in the upcoming AvP movie? The speculation revolves around his character from the original Predator movie. (Dillon, yes) Either the movie is set to take place before the events of the first Predator. Or the other angle is to have Dillon return after he was thought to be killed in Predator. Whichever story line is chosen we all know that with Weathers on board he will produce. Yes, Weathers.


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where did this speculation come from.... the film takes place n where near the time fram of any of the 2 films currently made eather alien or predator... so id be hard pressed to see this guy retern as dillan in the flm... lance henrickson reterns as bishop wayland owner of wayland industries... the precurser company to wayland yutani corperation.. and its know that charles "bishop" wayland drops hint and for shadows what his pans and endevors are for the future!!!

the fact you say dillin reterns is like saying gary busey will retern too for his 3rd shot at the predator!!(cause he was upset he missed out on the south america action, and was visably pissed off that dany glovers character saved his dumb ass and ruined every retarted plan he had!! and arnold will be able to leave office to shoot a last min cameo!!!


English 101 starts Monday morning, at my house. Don't be tardy.


and wheres that at so i can fed ex you a mail bomb. and also send you a envelope full of anthrax!!


Lara, you're an idiot. i honestly think you have some kind of mental problem, go get help. i'm not joking anymore.
there's no speculation. you're making this up aren't you? now, go lie down, recognise you have a serious problem with your love of carl weathers and deal with it. go watch rocky or something.
adventure? exitement? a Jedi craves not these things...


Weathers. Unbelieveable.


Weathers in a recent episode of The Shield... enough said

"No deal McCutcheon. That moon money's mine!"


Well all being said not a bad idea having him return somehow, however Carl is 60 now, in predator he was in his late 30's, if you were to do some sorta tie in set before the events of predator into a future AvP movie, how in the hell could you pass him of as the same age he was in predator?
