MovieChat Forums > Emily Watson Discussion > I admired her so much until I met her

I admired her so much until I met her

I met her in London last summer and have NEVER been treated so rudely. I was thoroughly shaken by it because I have admired her talent and thought she made interesting choices-- somehow that translated into me assuming she was a decent person. Boy was I wrong! I'm in a business where I meet frequently "stars" and I assure you I was not being impolite. I saw her look at "ordinary" people with SUCH loathing. I still find it so shocking, but it's true. Don't waste your time, energy or good will on this woman.


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What exactly did she say or do that is considered rude?

"Here are the young men, the weight on their shoulders..."


i don't think so, i saw her in a festival and she was adorable to me


You should look into Buddhism. Maybe she was having a bad day. Maybe her dog died recently. Don't be so quick to judge someone who might just be in a bad mood. No reason actors can't be in bad moods sometimes, for crying out loud. Maybe she thinks the same of you, after all.

Television! Teacher, mother, secret lover.


Emily Watson could kick me square in groin for no reason and before i passed out i would tell her how unbelievable she was in Breaking The Waves!

"Happy birthday, Euclid"


I don't like her because of how she behaves (have no idea, cos I've never met her) I like her acting...couldn't care less about her personality...



Shes only bleeding human,aint you ever got out of bed the wrong way sometimes?,sometimes you got to get to know people better first,im like that,on the outside i always looked pissed of,but thats just how i am and i cant change that,get to know me though and your probaly like me,bet shes the same


You didn't give the example of what happened. Which almost makes it hard to take you seriously.
