PERSONA 101: If you could be and date any 3 movie stars...
If you could be any three movie stars and be romantically linked to any three movie stars, who would you choose, and why?
Note: Focusing on the most surface-level, visible aspects of their personalities only, it's about who had the persona that you would like to have yourself. Not so much about their careers as about their personas (which may come across both on and off the screen). For example, when I say so-and-so had a great filmography, in the context of this discussion, I mean it in the sense that that filmography contributed to the persona. Bare this in-mind when making your choices.
Here are my choices:
1. June Allyson
– I want to have her friendliness, her charm, and her polite, sunny disposition. She seemed so cheery and nice. She was not only this way in movies, but during interviews too!
2. Doris Day
- I want to have her sophistication, her wholesome sex-appeal, her down to earth, non-vein, modest way of being, her decency, and her simple love/desire of home and family, which is greatly exemplified by her screen image as-well as in her interviews.
3. Sandra Dee
– I long to have her endearing innocence and naivety, so that I could be more caring, less cynical, and lead with love over intellect. I'd also like to be as cute as her – not only in the looks department, but in the way she dressed and spoke during the peak of her film stardom as-well. She may be the cutest actress I've ever seen!
Honorable mention: Ginger Rogers
-She was full of talent, beauty, and personality. And the fact that she never really found one great love in her life – and never had children, yet she lived a fulfilled life nonetheless (thus proving that not everyone needs all that) gives me a great deal of respect and liking for her. So, she's definitely someone I wouldn't mind being myself.
All of these women, I'd probably like to have as friends too!
First choice – Cary Grant
– For obvious reasons, as you can imagine! He's charming, dapper, and a whole lot of man!
Second choice – Rock Hudson
– Because he was a very friendly man, and oh, that chest! That tan! And the way he got along with Doris :-)
Third choice – Dick Van Dyke
– Just a handsome, charming, funny man! An old-fashioned kind of man, and one who looks clean cut, and good-natured – whose good nature comes through on the screen. Who wouldn't want a hug from him? :-) WHAT A MAN!
Those are my choices – who would yours be?
Please excuse typos/funny wording; I use speech-recognition that doesn't always recognize!