MovieChat Forums > Jonathan Taylor Thomas Discussion > He should do Dancing w/ the Stars

He should do Dancing w/ the Stars

Hey, why not? That is, if they sent him an invite and wanted to.
I think there's somewhat of a chance... Home Improvement was an ABC show, and he's not a huge star anymore...

I'm gonna start a {r/e/v/o/l/u/t/i/o/n} from my bed.


That would be awesome if he did. I know Jodie Sweetin may be doing it next season, so why not Jon? They really should get some interesting people on there. I watched the previous 2 seasons, but I am not watching this season because there is no one interesting dancing, in my opinion. I don't really know if he would do it anymore though, I don't know if he would want to do anything in show business now. But did you see him dance in Man of the House? That was cool.


I'm not a big follower of DWTS either. I'll watch the interesting people and then go off and do something else. The fact that he might not want to do be in the spotlight anymore would also be a major factor, but if he was... hey, it could boost his career again :) I think he's finished with college by now, right?

I saw that "Man of the House" was on the Hallmark channel about 2 weeks ago, but I had stuff going on that night. I'm hoping they play it again soon, or maybe Disney XD picks it up like they did w/ "Tom and Huck" (which I DID catch :D).

I'm gonna start a {r/e/v/o/l/u/t/i/o/n} from my bed.


I hope Jodie Sweetin does DWTS next season. I watched Full House as a kid and I still love that show. And I remember Jodie dancing in a few Full House episodes, so I'd love to see her do DWTS. I'd watch the show if she was on it.

I think that DWTS could be great, it is a great concept for a show, it's just that they don't seem to have a lot of people that I'm interested in seeing. I don't know whether they just can't get a lot of good people, or whether some people are turning them down.

But I think at least most of those celebrities get a 6 figure salary for doing the show. I think Bristol Palin got at least $250,000? And doing the show is also great publicity, it can really help a career.

I'm pretty sure Man of the House is still available on DVD on I own it on DVD. I actually own all of Jon's movies that are on DVD, I think Common Ground is the only one that I had to get on VHS because it's not available on DVD. That movie needs a DVD release! I love Man of the House, definitely watch it sometime. I would say it's in the top 3 of Jon's movies. I just loved that movie.


Jodie Sweetin would be an awesome contestant! I wouldn't be surprised if she accepted, especially since she seems to have her life back together again and stuff. I'm also a fan of Full House :)

Yes, the show would be great publicity for him. Wasn't it DWTS that gave Marie Osmund a boost a couple years back? Or maybe I'm thinking of someone else?

Anyways... sorta OT, but one of my favorite book series (The Hunger Games) is getting turned into a movie (the first one is coming out a year from tomorrow). In the 2nd book ("Catching Fire"), there is a pretty significant character named Finnick Odair that gets introduced... and I couldn't help but imagine him as JTT. It's hard to explain, because he doesn't exactly match Finnick's appearence (especially height) but idk... if he got that career boost, I think it'd be cool for him to get cast as Finnick or maybe another character in those movies.

Just curious, what would you say are the best JTT movies (besides Man of the House)? The only movies of his I've seen are The Lion King and Tom && Huck.

I'm gonna start a {r/e/v/o/l/u/t/i/o/n} from my bed.


That would actually be so cool. I wish he did!

landinginthestars if you're interested, you can watch 'Man of the House' in full on youtube. :)



Really? I'll have to watch it when I have the time... hopefully by the end of the week :)

I'm gonna start a {r/e/v/o/l/u/t/i/o/n} from my bed.


I think Jon's best movies are: The Lion King, Man of the House, and Walking Across Egypt. I also like Common Ground, that would probably be 4th on my list of his best movies. But it just depends on what your taste in movies is. I think he does a good job in pretty much all of his movies, it just depends what genre you like and what storylines you are interested in seeing. I also liked Man of the House a lot because I also like Farrah Fawcett and Chevy Chase.


I really want to see 'Walking Across Egypt' but I haven't been able to find it online. How did you watch it? If you own it could you upload it please? That would be wonderful! :)

