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Yeah I've also heard the divorce rumors im not sure if it's true or not but I guess it could be believable because he was gone a long time who knows what he was doing...but then again anybody can go online and say I've met this person and blah blah blah...the mom rumors are a little harder to believe because he always seemed so close to his mom his dad not so much never really heard anything about him


I'm so glad someone else noticed this! After the Last Man Standing episode came out, I was googling Jonathan and came across a few sites with pretty much the same verbatim slanderous comments. One after the next. Whoever is up to this is also on twitter tweeting random celebrities the same rumors, particularly the one about Jonathan being "divorced." Whatever divorce document website this user found, he/she thinks that because Jonathan's name and family show up in the possible search database, that he's actually divorced...if this person actually paid for access and clicked on his name, it would probably state that he isn't divorced at all. LOL.


well if he is in a relationship I dont think it should be made into a big thing and its even harder now since he keeps his privacy so private its like you asked for being an actor and just come out make it known and just say yeah I divorced a guy


Hi! I literally just signed up and created an IMDB account so I could respond to you because I'm so glad I'm not alone in my confusion! I'm really happy someone else noticed this, they are definitely the most absurd comments I've ever read about a celeb. I think I was probably scrolling through the exact same posting/comment boards, re: Jon's Last Man Standing comeback etc.

I've been rewatching Home Improvement this past week (so much nostalgia, so 90's and I used to have a huge crush on JTT...he's still gorge!)and I wondered what he's been up to recently. A good ol' google search has lead me to what appears to be one person going on a massive, crazed rant using different and/or anonymous usernames across various web articles?! I have no idea how poor Jonathan has inspired so much vitriol from this random individual and I'm certain he/she is talking complete bulls**t. JTT was so huge in the mid-late 90s, there is no way he could have been married and divorced and kept it out of the press entirely.

Also, despite myself, I continued to research this 'marriage' and I found not one reputable source confirming anything of the sort. I did read through a few message boards with posters discussing a 'Natalie' who it turns out doesn't exist... Likewise, there was never anything in the media regarding his 'mental breakdown' (which I read about in a few places), any mental illness or his 'overbearing,' 'sociopathic,' mother. I don't know why I feel the need to defend my tween crush, but 7 year-old-me would be shattered to read some of the awful things this person is saying and it seems everyone (within the comment/posting boards I was reading at least) was buying into this crap! I don't understand the hate. I choose to believe Jonathan TT is happy & healthy, has never been married, probably has a beautiful mother and is still the lovely and intelligent guy he's always seemed.
