Missing movie title
A friend of mine and I were talking about a movie we were sure Jonathan Taylor Thomas was the lead in, but neither of us can recall the title and it doesn't appear to be on his IMDB filmography. We might be mistaken, but on the off-chance that we aren't..... the movie was circa '95 and was very much like a mix between KID IN KING ARTHUR'S COURT and PAGEMASTER where JTT was sent to his room and he went into his own fantasy land where he fell for a princess and saved the day, then 'wakes up' back in the real world, meeting people who were the characters in his dream/fantasy/adventure.
This ringing any bells for anyone? I've tried some other places, and many of them don't have some of the titles that IMDB has, so I figure this is still my best shot at finding the movie my friend and I remember watching.
"There is still hope." - Arwen