MovieChat Forums > Ione Skye Discussion > something's different

something's different

I just got around to watching Fever Pitch for the first time. I've always thought of Ione Skye as being extremely gorgeous in a distinctive way, and she's still beautiful, but something about her looks more... uniform. Her teeth, actually. Did anyone else wonder whether she'd had caps put on? They look like Hilary Duff's--a little too big for her mouth.

Another possibility is that her face just looks a little bit leaner now, and her teeth look more prominent, because she's clearly lost a few pounds since she was younger.

I'm just curious about whether anybody else noticed a change. Ione remains stunning, no doubt.


hmmmm...that's weird because i usually notice things like that and i don't remember thinking anything different about her after viewing that movie. but now thinking about it you could be right. see, with hillary duff i noticed that right away, but i think it is painfully obvious. she looked scary, exactly as you said, her teeth didn't seem to fit in her mouth anymore. she has slimmed down considerably herself. but it is evident that she did get veneers, there's no way that the weight loss could explain the size of her teeth comparatively.
as far as ione skye goes, i would have to watch fever pitch again to have an opinion. but, it seems likely as far as hollywood goes and what people do to keep up with their appearances.

she is quite lovely though regardless.


I wonder if I am the only one that finds this woman highly unattractive. Her teeth are huge and it's her jaw or something that makes her face very odd looking. I suppose it's distinct but I guess I don't get why this woman is considered a raving beauty.

She was a cutie pie in SA but that was a while ago. I just think she looks unnatractive now. She is a very decent actress though.
