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He deleted his Twitter

Looks like things are starting to pile up on him with the latest news about him, probably only a matter of days until more people come forward.


Nobody has come forward yet?


Well, Jessica Chastain's not giving up : )


'I do not feel beholden to anything': Jessica Chastain reveals why she called out Bryan Singer over alleged sex misconduct via Twitter (despite him producing her next movie)

Many women are speaking out against Hollywood big shots they worked with in the past. But Jessica Chastain is having a go at a director ... On Friday the actress tweeted a link to a Daily Wire article on how sexual misconduct allegations against Bryan Singer were resurfacing in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein fallout.

'Let us not forget,' the 40-year-old wrote.

On three separate occasions, lawsuits were brought against the Usual Suspects director for sexual assault against a minor, but all three suits were subsequently dropped.

Chastain is set to star in the upcoming X-Men: Dark Phoenix movie, which is produced by Singer.

On Tuesday she explained to the Daily Beast that because she starting acting in adulthood - and not at a younger, possibly more vulnerable age - she doesn't have to worry about repercussions. "Because of the timing of when I came into the industry, I decided for me—my career could go away tomorrow, and I’ll do something else, and I’ll be okay,' she said. 'Because I was okay before I came into this career. For me, there’s a lot that I have that isn’t acting.

She added: 'I made a decision very early on to not work with people that I felt abused their positions, and didn’t create a healthy environment for those around them.'

Jessica's next role as Lilandra, Empress of the alien Shi'ar empire in the X-Men universe, will see her credited alongside Singer, who has played a huge role in bringing that universe to the big screen.





'I actually chose to do X-Men because I’m working with Simon Kinberg, who’s also a first-time filmmaker who I met on The Martian, and is an incredible writer and producer,' she explained. 'He wrote this script — which I can’t say much about, because it’s X-Men — and there are many powerful female roles in this story that Simon is telling. And all of my dealings were with Simon and Hutch [Parker, another producer], who were on set.'

The outspoken star said she was not worried about putting the spotlight back on Singer.

'I do not feel beholden to anything. I’m going to speak my mind about any injustice that I see,' she said. 'I’m not afraid of anything in terms of that. And I think the greatest myth that an industry can create is to make people feel like they’re easily replaceable. I’m not going to allow that into my life.'



and yet she was hugging and kissing best chum Harvey Weinstein for years, she's a scumbag too!


Oh stop, now. You can't very well be encouraging people to come out for your pet cause, then bash them when they do.

Just turn that frown upside down, you.


I'm not encouraging anyone.


Haven't you posted many times about how Hollywood isn't upset about males being harassed in the industry...only women? I thought that was a pet peeve of yours...


I don't recall that.


the things is, if Bryan goes down, he is taking a lot of powerful gay men down also

That's why he is do protected, the Gay Mafia is living in fear for once


he's married to a woman


He was already outed as a pedophile a few years back and nobody seemed to care too much. It would take a rape allegation to finish him.
