Family Speaks Out For The First Time Since He Went Missing 6 Months Ago
Now, for the first time, Sands’ family has issued a statement on the matter, saying they are “deeply grateful to the search teams and coordinators who have worked tirelessly to find Julian.”
The search for Sands had been suspended temporarily after the British actor, an experienced outdoorsman, because of the extra-severe winter conditions across Western U.S. Since Sands’ disappearance. San Bernardino sheriffs said they have conducted eight searches to find him, along with eight other operations.
The efforts picked up again last Saturday. Officials said more than 80 search and rescue volunteers, deputies and staff participated in the search that took place Saturday in the nearby wilderness and remote areas across the mountain. The effort included two helicopters and drone crews. Sands remains missing.
“Despite the recent warmer weather, portions of the mountain remain inaccessible due to extreme alpine conditions,” the department said today. “Multiple areas include steep terrain and ravines, which still have 10-plus feet of ice and snow.”