What an insecure man-child!
“RR got meaner and meaner, and more and more manic. He wouldn’t let me sleep more than three hours a night. When I was back in L A filming Charmed, one night I came home to my house, went into my bedroom, and screamed. There was a man in my bed and he was wearing a cowboy hat. Turns out it was a dummy. I assume RR put it there to scare me in case I came home with a man. I felt like it was just another move in what seemed to me to be a campaign of terror, the point of which was to destabilize me and have me fully under his control.
I started that movie at 112 pounds, and I went down to 97, and he would get mad at me every day for being too skinny, but I was so stressed out I couldn’t eat; even water would come back up. You could see my ribs.”
“One night RR came into my trailer in a rage at midnight when we were about to take our “lunch”—because we would go to work at four thirty in the afternoon and get home around eight in the morning. In front of me he called Jessica Alba to ask her if she would step in and complete the film for me because it didn’t look like I was going to be able to. He did it just to torture me; I didn’t even know if she was really on the phone. I sat down and cried. I’m still not sure if she was on the line at all or if he was just pretending to speak to her.
He shocked me when he told me that what he did for a living was harder than what my brother did. My brother was fighting in Afghanistan at the time.
This was someone who got mad when his set lunch, his chicken breast, wasn’t cooked just right. He was babied within an inch of his life.”
“One night, after he was finished raging at everybody on set and stomping away, with dark menacing eyes, he came into my trailer. He’d already fired me three times earlier that evening on the set, saying, “Don’t bother to come back,” and I was so freaked out, because if I got fired off this movie, I would never work again, ever. I knew the whole industry was watching, salivating, like a bunch of circling hyenas.
This time he declared he was going to fire me because I was secretly in love with Quentin, wanted to sleep with Quentin. That was as far from reality as it got. RR stormed out of my trailer, saying he’d be back with a lie detector machine to see if I really did love Quentin.
Excerpt From
Rose McGowan