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Has Anyone Ever Seen a Picture of Chris Rock with Donald Trump?

No? Probably because NO picture exists of Chris Rock with Donald Trump.

But I can show you photos of Trump posing with these people:

So, tell me? Who's the *TRUE* liberal? Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle? Or the celebs who've chosen to pose with a fascist? πŸ€” Difficult one, isn't it? πŸ™„πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ


All it tells you is that he wasn’t considered any kind of -ist before he decided to run for president as a republican.


If it speaks like a racist. If it acts like a racist. Guess what? It IS a racist.

But what this DOES tell me is that Hollywood is full of hypocrites, and bear in mind that most, if not all, of these photos were taken after Trump's notorious Central Park Five attack ad in the following newspapers: New York Times, New York Daily News, New York Post and New York Newsday (YES, the 'ultra-woke' New York Times ran Trump's RACIST attack ad against the INNOCENT Central Park Five!)

By contrast, pariahs and BLACK men Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle, who are today demonised by parts of the mostly white 'liberal' establishment, have NEVER, to my knowledge, posed with Trump. They're BOTH liberals, but SENSIBLE and MODERATE liberals, with a sense of PERSPECTIVE, who realise that as TOXIC as Trump is, the US has suffered worse than him (i.e. slavery). They're NOT the hysterical and mostly white, upper-class 'liberals' who are obsessed with Trump, simply as a means of furthering their own careers/egoes/the DNC's agenda.


There are photos of Donald Trump out there with his then friends, Whoopi Goldberg & Al Sharpton before the whole political agenda began.

FYI: Before he ran for president, Donald Trump was registered politically as a Democrat. According to some sources, he has changed political affiliation at least five or six times. So, there would be no reason he wouldn't be seen with celebrities of both parties.
