Two Big Reasons Why White Liberals WON'T Come to Chris Rock's Defence
This SNL sketch:
I mean, how dare Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle make fun of white upper-middle-class liberals, right? How dare these Black men suggest that trans-atlantic slavery was worse than Trump's election victory, as far as the history of America goes! After all, what do Black men know about racism right? Who even listens to them anymore?
And the time he said this about Hollywood: "You’re damn right Hollywood’s racist, but not the racist that you’ve grown accustomed to. Hollywood is sorority racist. It’s like, ‘We like you, Rhonda, but you’re not a Kappa.’ That’s how Hollywood is."
White liberals and Black establishment Democrats (many of whom are women) HATE that Chris Rock speaks the TRUTH about 'liberal' racism. They hate that he dares to blow the lid off their strongly-guarded MYTH that 'only' white Republicans are racist, and not rich, college-educated and/or elite/professional liberal whites who dominate Hollywood, the media, academia, the DNC and other 'polite' and supposedly 'woke' institutions and professions.
Thankfully, a lot of Black men are starting to recognise this nonsense, and have realised that they've been played, not only by the usual 'redneck' MAGA-flag-waving suspects, but by the upper-class and privileged elites (and, no, before anyone accuses me of 'anti-Semitism', I don't regard 'elites' as a synonym for 'Jewish'; *some* of the people I refer to may be Jewish, but MOST are white gentiles of various white ethnicities, including Anglo - most of the big 'liberal' movie stars and musicians, and even writers, columnists and broadcasters, are white *gentiles*).