Anyone here?

Oh well I don't know if anyone will read this, but I may as well start a post. I'm a big fan of Diana's yet I havn't been able to see much of her work. Anyone else here or want to post some thoughts?


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ermm.. well thanks anyway. Anyone else?


She was my favorite Avenger. We simply did not see enough of her in the US 30 years ago. You can try downloading some of the episodes or rent some of the old movies she was in.


Why did ya delete your post?


I just completely fell in love with the show after becoming intrested in mod culture and whatnot. She is the only partner for Steed and no woman was as great as she was on the show.

I have been watching the episodes on VHS from the library. With three season of her, there are actually quite a few episodes.


I can't find any avengers episodes in any video stores. :(


For those (not me) with digital cable TV, "The Avengers" reruns are airing on the BBC America channel.

The "Dead Man's Treasure" episode with Emma Peel airs on Friday, October 22 @ 8:00PM & 11:00PM E.T.; and Saturday, October 23 @ 3:00AM E.T.
